Uses of PIC Insupen Original
The Insupen diabetic needle tip is installed with an insulin pen used for diabetics.
How to use PIC Insupen Original
How to use
Before each injection, make sure the medicine flows out properly. Always keep a spare pen needle as a replacement.
Use techniques recommended by your doctor for control. After inserting the pen, press the injection button all the way down, being careful not to change the angle of the pen. If after removing the needle from your skin you notice the medicine dripping, keep the needle in longer the next time with the same dose.
After injection, remove the needle from the pen and dispose of in an appropriate container, in compliance with applicable laws and regulations.
To relieve pain, use new, short, small-caliber needles and always follow your doctor’s instructions.
Subjects of use
Glycorrhea patient.
Side effects
There are no reports of side effects of the product.
Here are the steps to follow to ensure correct use of the pen needle:
Check the device’s expiration date. Do not use if expired.
Check compatibility between the pen needle and the pen used to administer the medication, reviewing the information on the packaging.
Always insert a new needle before each injection and throw away the needle afterward.
In fact, never store a pen with a built-in needle as this will leave a communication path between the cartridge and the outside.
Pen needles are sterile disposable devices; therefore, it must be changed after each injection, otherwise you risk:
Incorrect dosage: If the needle remains in the pen between injections, the composition of the medication may have changed.
Air enters the cartridge through the needle: Air bubbles reduce the normal flow of the drug during injection, leading to the risk of a reduced dose.
Crystallized medication: If the needle remains attached to the pen, the remaining medication inside the pen may turn into crystals and block part or all of the needle, making it difficult or impossible to perform an injection.
Risk of infection: After use, the pen needle is no longer sterile.
Injections are more painful: During the injection process, the lubricant on the needle is completely removed and the needle tip is gradually deformed, losing its original shape. Often the needle tip will have a “hook” shape, causing more pain and possibly tearing the skin.
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